Sunday, June 9, 2013

From Cindy

Recently I was having a picnic lunch in Fox park with a friend and some of her family.  One of her grandsons, barely over a year old, was trying to climb a pole in the park.  I started laughing and said "Now that's a Marcel thing to do!".  Last Saturday there was a double rainbow.  I thought of my mom, her twin sister and also of Marcel.  That's just how it goes.  There are lots of random moments that keep cropping up and bringing Marcel to mind.  


Thursday, June 6, 2013

From Michael

Marcel, the locksmith. Key holder to hidden dimensions. Isthmus between old worlds and new. Keeper of secrets. Baritone warbler. Sly wrestler. Life scientist. Thanks for opening my eyes wider. Happy Birthday.

From Veronica and Rick

Veronica says "Rick and I found this written in one of Marcel's notebooks and found it to be so true to him and his world view on nature, science and especially in his relationships and how he valued every person with whom he came into contact."

from Thea

More then anything, Marcel gave me hope-- I guess he's a lot like Ella in that way.

What he gave me- from Polly

Marcel helped me look in the corners of the sky and under rocks and deep in the leaves of trees to find the crazy beauty in everything. It's always in there somewhere. That's what he gave me.